Janusz Korczak “Biographical Exhibition”
The EJKA provides a travelling exhibition in the format of 20 roll-up exhibits about Janusz Korczak’s life and work. By arrangement, a speaker can also introduce the exhibition and offer an accompanying discussion event.
Photography Exhibition “Project Children’s Opera Brundibár”, Lydia Bergida
In the production by Julia Riegel, over 40 children of Jewish, Muslim and Christian origin played and sang in the opera. This was also a project of integrative education of children and young people in the performing arts. A project in the context of Children’s Rights Day and the week of commemoration of the Jewish doctor and educator Janusz Korczak, who was murdered by the Nazis in Treblinka, who ran his orphanages in Warsaw with incomparable dedication that gave children hope and care, and who is considered the founder of children’s rights.

“In Memory of Janusz Korczak and His Orphans: A Face, a Name, a Wagon, a Cloud”, Marlies Glaser
The famous educator Janusz Korczak ran two orphanages in Warsaw, one for Jewish, one for non-Jewish children. After the Germans had established the Warsaw Ghetto, Korczak also had to move there with the children from the Jewish orphanage. In the course of the so-called “Operation Reinhardt” – the systematic murder of all Jews in the then “Generalgouvernement” (the territories of German-occupied Poland and Ukraine) in 1942 and 1943 – Janusz Korczak and his charges were also killed in the gas chamber in the Treblinka extermination camp. He could have saved himself, but he wanted to stand by the children and accompanied them to their death.
The artist Marlies Glaser, in cooperation with the Alleshausen and Attenweiler primary schools and the Biberach public library, carried out an art project in memory of the 200 murdered children. The project resulted in numerous paintings by the participating children, which are open to the public in an exhibition including accompanying events. The paintings are in the possession of the EJKA. The exhibition “In Memory of Janusz Korczak and His Orphans: A Face, a Name, a Wagon, a Cloud” shows pictures painted by children as part of an art project. The pictures show children’s faces against the background of railway wagons pre-printed on linoleum plates. Above them towers a gravestone with the inscription “In memory of Janusz Korczak and his 200 Jewish orphanage children, deported from the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942 and murdered in Treblinka”. The children approached the theme through seven symbols: children’s faces, wagons, gravestones, names, black clouds, trees and tears, which are reflected in the pictures.