Janusz Korczak was an impressive personality. As a doctor and educator, as a profound thinker and as an energetic man of practice, he developed educational principles and methods. In doing so, he always had the goal of happy, open-minded and independent young people in mind. He stood by his protégés until their tragic end.
To bear the name of this great humanist is an honour and an incentive for the Academy, which can look back on ten years of fruitful work. It sees education and upbringing as a central way to continuously make our world better and more worth living in. It promotes cultural education and inter-religious dialogue. It strengthens our democracy and resolutely opposes racism and anti-Semitism. The German-Israeli friendship is an important concern for it. The European Janusz Korczak Academy thus makes a valuable contribution to shaping our social life.
Dr. Markus Söder
Prime Minister of the Free State of Bavaria