Almanac of the European Janusz Korczak Academy
A selection of the regular lectures on and about Janusz Korczak, but also impressions of exhibitions in his spirit which take place on the premises of the EJKA, are recorded in annual volumes, convey an impression and also give people who cannot be there live an insight into Janusz Korczak’s world, his work and his gift for inspiration (authors include: Ágnes Heller, Peter Härtling, Gérard Kahn, Tsvi Yeshurun, Michael Kirchner, Sigrid Tschöpe-Scheffler, Naomi Frankel, Judith Kasper, Evita Wiecki).
The Almanac 2021 can be obtained from the EJKA.

Online column on Janusz Korczak
Book publication “A white house in a grey city”, Yitzhak Belfer
Among the publications of the EFJKA, the autobiography “A White House in a Grey City” by Itzchak Belfer stands out. Itzchak Belfer, who made his home in Israel as a visual artist, was one of the last living “pupils” of Janusz Korczak. The EFJKA maintained close contact with him and gave space and time to be able to hear this valuable voice of a contemporary witness, also in order to expand one’s own knowledge and imagination with his authentic memories. Besides his life story, Belfer’s book contains a large number of illustrations, pictures by Belfer, who could not stop painting Janusz Korczak. Itzchak Belfer died in January 2021.
The book can be obtained from the EJKA.

“Stories and pictures by children and young people with a laudation by Peter Härtling”, Ariella Verlag
The texts in this book were written by pupils who took part in the 1st Janusz Korczak Writing Competition entitled “Pssst …, Janusz Korczak hat etwas zu sagen”. The contributions of the 11 to 17 year olds deal with the nightmarish topic of the deportation of Janusz Korczak and the children in his care to the Treblinka extermination camp. They are absolutely impressive in their forcefulness and emotional strength. The foreword to the texts was written by the multiple award-winning novelist, poet and children’s book author Peter Härtling.
The book is available from the EJKA.

„Young, Jewish, Bavarian” magazine
Seven young people learned the techniques of journalism with the help of experts. And then they wrote. About whether prejudices and clichés are also racist. About how the president of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, Charlotte Knobloch, imagines a happy future for Jewish life. They reflect on whether the trauma of the Holocaust is hereditary – and what that does to young people. And how does one behave as a Jew who is asked about his relationship to Israel. So many questions. Many answers. The authors of the magazine have one thing in common: they are young. They are Jewish. They are Bavarian.

Publication Picture Dictionary Hebrew-German
Eliezer Ben-Jehuda is considered the founder of the comprehensive dictionary of modern and ancient Hebrew. When it was completed in 1959, it comprised 17 closely printed volumes that were difficult to read. If you don’t want to do that to yourself, but still don’t want to be completely speechless on a trip to Israel, for example, you simply have to take a look at this Hebrew-German picture dictionary for children and parents. Here you will be helped to make yourself understood in words and pictures in all important situations in life. A must in matters of understanding.
The dictionary can be obtained from the EJKA.

Book Publication on the Occasion of the Commemorative Year “500 Years of the Jewish Ghetto in Venice
Riccardo Calimani’s “History of the Venice Ghetto 1516 – 2016” not only describes the origin of the term “ghetto”. This originates from the year 1516, when the Venetian senate assigned the Jews a living area sealed off from the rest of the population. Calimani also describes the history of the Jews in Venice from the beginning of the 16th century to the time of the murder of the Jews under the National Socialists and the Italian fascists of the 20th century and the end of World War II. His book ends with the sentence “Once again life had triumphed over death.”
The book can be obtained from the EJKA.

Book publication of the novel “Das Haus Levi” by Naomi Frankel, for the first time in German!
102 years ago, the German-Israeli writer Naomi Frankel was born in Berlin. As a birthday present, the European Janusz Korczak Academy presents the first German translation of one of her books, “Das Haus Levi”. It is the first part of Frankel’s triology “Saul and Johanna.”
“Das Haus Levi” is about two Jewish families shortly before Hitler came to power. With courageous accuracy, Frankel reveals in her book what the mood in the assimilated Jewish community was like at that time. While Frankel’s work has become one of the classics of modern Hebrew literature in Israel, the author is largely unknown in Germany. With “The House of Levi”, a German translation of this important book and of Frankel’s complete works is now available for the first time – and we are very pleased about this.
The book “Das Haus Levi” is available from the European Janusz Korczak Academy for 18 €. Order via

Media manual for the teaching platform “Designing media projects successfully”:
The handbook as well as the e-book can be ordered by e-mail via the EJKA at:
The project was funded by the Genesis Philanthropy Group and The Jewish Agency for Israel gefördert.